Great Point is where I fell in love with fishing and I don’t think I’m alone with that statement. It’s truly one of the most beautiful locations on one of the most beautiful Islands that I can think of and the fishing can be awesome up there.
Too often in fishing, and in life, we reflect in the short term and get frustrated with how things have changed. Over the past few years a lot of people who fish Great Point regularly have become frustrated with seal activity and the lack of bait. The general feeling is that the fishing has deteriorated up there. While this statement has truth to it, it is still a magical place. I was up at the point early this week on an overcast, windy day and watched an eight-year old catch his first fish. I can tell you first hand, that he will never forget that memory, I promise.
I say it so definitively, because I remember catching my first bluefish like it was yesterday. I drove to Great Point with my brother Corey, my uncle Hugh Halsell and his son Benji. It was August 1986 and we were in the way back of their Chevy Suburban. We were casting with the wind at our back, to no avail. Benji took me across the spit of sand and we hucked an 8 foot custom Bill Fisher Rod with an ounce and half ballistic missile (not much has changed!) into the wind and my rod went tight. I reeled that Penn 704Z with all might until that perfect bluefish was flopping at my feet. I will never forget that day, I promise.

So, the next time you have the weather keeping you inside while on Nantucket, I hope you remember that story. There are always fish to be caught and hopefully they are memorable ones. Especially since Great Point is fishing well right now. We are seeing some monster bluefish up there. We’ve heard several reports of 12+ pound fish caught off the point. We’ve heard nights of 15 fish caught by an angler and we’ve heard of two-pound bluefish. You’ll never know what to expect, but there are fish around, so go enjoy!
If you’re a die hard, and are focused on bass despite the 70 degree water, Great Point at night has been very good. In fact, the entire East side of the island has been producing bass at night. There is a nice drop off on the East side and those fish cruise the surf. Use a big swimming plug and reel as slowly as possible. Seriously, slow… You’ll actually feel your plug get tapped before a good mellow take.
Bonito fishing is still good but not consistent. There will be tides of 15 fish and tides of 3-4 fish. Truthfully, our weather has been all over the place, so these fish have not had any reason to be consistent. If you want some diversity in your fishing habits though, and have access to a boat, you should be able to catch some bones. These fish are most prevalent on the West end, but you’ll find them at Great Point and in some of the eastern rips.
Our offshore bite has been pretty good as well. We have some decent numbers of tuna around the island and some of these boys are big! Just don’t follow albacore’s instgram account, because you’ll expect to catch doubles on every trip. Captain Bob DeCosta has had a heck of a week and deserves some mention here. We’ve had fish both South and East and some have been caught on the troll and by pitching spin rods at them. The methods and locations change on a daily basis, so check in with us at the shop before you head out.
So go out and enjoy our special fishery. Even if the weather is not great, because great things happen out there everyday and I can guarantee when you leave Nantucket, you’ll have wished you fished more. Go wet a line and make a memory!