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Read our complete Resource Guide to Successfully Navigating Nantucket in 2020

Coffee & Community  

A daily live Facebook stream with Nantucket Board of Selectman’s Jason Bridges. Here he answers questions about the current status of the Shelter in Place, community updates and any concerns or questions you may have. All while making a delicious cup of coffee @ackcoffee.


Subscribe to their YouTube channel or stream their broadcasts online to stay up-to-date on everything Nantucket. From town meetings to special events and tutorials, NCTV18 has you covered. Also follow their news program, Nantucket Pulse for updates on COVID-19.

Nantucket Island Chamber of Commerce

Our local Chamber offers daily updates and resources on their website and their Instagram @ackchamber. Follow them to stay on top of recent updates, community events and beautiful images of our island. Please also consider donating to their “Keep the Rock Solid” program here.

Town of Nantucket

The local government has an entire section online here for food, health and other resources. We also strongly encourage everyone to follow and tune into the weekly Select Board Meetings, streamed on the Town of Nantucket’s YouTube channel. Topics include: COVID-19 updates, informative discussions around island businesses and the impact this will have on our community. Live chats are also available if you have a specific question during the broadcast.

Nantucket, Let’s Get Sewing

A local Facebook group to help make masks for the service industries and our community. Email if you wish to help.

An online source for Nantucket news, classifieds and event information. Follow them on Instagram @nantucketinsider for daily tips, activities, virtual events and more around the island.

Daybreak Nantucket 

This informative subscription service is delivered daily to your inbox. Sign up here for free to stay current on all island news, COVID-19 information and general island updates.

Nantucket Neighbors 

A local volunteer organization that connects able-bodied people with those who need help. From picking up groceries to walking your dog they are here to help. If you need help or wish to volunteer please visit their website.

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