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Nantucket Town Pier Lottery


Nantucket Living

Town Pier Lottery

Nantucket Town Pier LotteryThe Basics

For boat owners on the island, October can be a very important month. This is when the Town of Nantucket holds their annual lottery for space at the municipal Town Pier. This network of docks is located next to Brant Point Marine. 

For $25, boaters can enter their name in the hopes of receiving one of these coveted Nantucket Harbor slips. Getting out to a moored boat via kayak or dingy can be a hassle. So it’s no surprise these spaces are in high demand!

The Logistics

The Nantucket Town Pier Slip Lottery date is Friday, October 26th, 2018 at 12:00pm. This will take place at the Nantucket Public Safety Facility Community Meeting Room at 4 Fairgrounds Road. To be eligible, you must submit your application by noon on Thursday, October 25th. Those who win can then rent and use the slip from May 1st through September 30th. Those chosen for Category A slips can renew them for a second year without entering the lottery again, while those chosen for Category B slips must enter every year.

What if you aren’t chosen in the Nantucket Town Pier lottery? Unfortunately, many hopeful boat owners are not. You may still have a chance at a slip, as the town draws a 20 person wait list in the event someone drops out. However, you probably want to look into other options, such as mooring your boat. If you have a small dingy or tender, you can tie it up (next to a hoard of others) on an allotted section of the town dock.

Nantucket Town Pier Lottery
Town Pier: 34 Washington Street

Fisher Tip- If you do receive a slip in the Nantucket Town Pier lottery, you also get a parking permit which allows you to access special parking in the adjacent Town Parking Lot. This special allowance doesn’t apply to those who get a slip on the floating pier. You can park here all day and there is often a space open. On crowded summer days with gridlock on Main Street and near impossible parking, this sticker can be almost as valuable as the slip!

Lisa Genthner

Born and raised on Nantucket, Lisa is incredibly excited to be back on the island as she prepares for her senior year at Dartmouth College. She feels most at home on the water and has an immense appreciation for the beauty and entertainment it provides. During the school year you may catch her taking a break from her economics studies to sail New Hampshire’s lakes.

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