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Nantucket Community Sailing in 2022


Beach Life

Nantucket Sailing

The Nantucket Community Sailing season is quickly approaching with the opening of their Jetties Sailing Center on Monday, June 27th.

Coming in 2022, the program is excited to introduce business memberships. Membership pricing will be assigned according to the number of employees.

To learn more about NCS, you can read our blog “Nantucket Community Sailing at Jetties Beach.”

Nantucket Sailing

NCS currently offers individual and family memberships, as well as Silver Sailor memberships. These offerings include complimentary kayak, SUP, and small sailboat rentals, as well as discounted private lessons.

NCS will also offer a weekly Women’s Clinic (18+) and a toddler program “Tiny Salts” for ages 2-3. A caregiver will be present for the Tiny Salts program.

Nantucket Sailing

For those without a membership, islanders and visitors can still take full advantage of the Jetties Sailing Center. Online booking is recommended as walk-up availability can be limited. You can book on NCS here.

Book Your Rental at Jetties Sailing Center

The Jetties Sailing Center is open Monday through Saturday, 10am to 4:30pm, from June 27th to August 19th.

Nantucket Community Sailing

2022 Membership Info

Born in Boston and raised in Santa Barbara, California, Emma has spent every summer on Nantucket since childhood. Emma currently attends Boston College where she studies Finance and Marketing in the Carroll School of Management. She hopes to pursue a career in marketing post-grad. Emma loves to travel, but finds the most joy in appreciating what Nantucket has to offer. When she isn’t assisting with Fisher’s marketing, Emma can be found at the beach!