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Fisher Nantucket on HGTV


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In case you missed it – Fisher’s very own Jen Shalley made her TV debut this past Monday, January 1st on HGTV’s newest real estate show, “How Close Can I Beach?”

The show officially premieres on March 18th and will air every Sunday @ 8pm. The series follows “buyers with dreams of living near the sand and surf. They’ll tour different homes that offer the beach lifestyle at varying distances to the shore and witness firsthand the clear differences in space, amenities and views these homes offer. After carefully considering their options, they’ll decide how close to the beach their dream house will be.”

While we personally can’t wait until the show begins airing in March, here’s a little sneak peek of what’s to come for what’s sure to be a Fisher favorite. “Staying Inspired on Nantucket” follows local artist Meredith Hanson on her hunt to find the perfect, full-time Nantucket home. 

Watch the episode through your cable provider by downloading the HGTV app on iTunes.

Fisher Nantucket HGTV