If you have been coming to Nantucket for a long time or are just an in-the-know admirer, you know there is more to this wonderful island than the summer. Of course, we all know about the Turkey Plunge at Thanksgiving and the ever-popular Christmas “Stroll”, but one of the island’s best (and cutest) events is the Nantucket Halloween parade!
Monday, October 31st, 2022 the Inquirer and Mirror will be hosting the annual Halloween Parade. Costumed adults and children are asked to arrive by 3:30 pm at the bottom of Main St. for the costume contest, and then in preparation for the 4:00 pm start of the parade at the fountain at the base of Main Street in front of Fisher Real Estate. Prizes will be awarded!
While our Main Street location is superb for increased foot traffic to check-out our listings, rentals, and talk real estate with our knowledgeable agents, in a few days we will have a very different type of foot traffic. Nantucket Halloween on Main Street is an event not be missed. Whether you have kids, just enjoy all of the spooky fun or hope to catch a glimpse of Coach Belichick (GO PATS!), tune in to our LIVE WEBCAM on October 31st, to see thousands of Nantucketers descend on Main Street for the parade and to collect tricks or treats from downtown businesses.
More Halloween Activities
After the Parade, the NHA welcomes families to come to the Whaling Museum for spooky activities and more trick-or-treating! Free of charge, 4:30-6:30p, 13 Broad Street.
The Coast Guard Station Brant Point Spouse Club will be hosting their Haunted Pirate Ship at the Brant Point Coast Guard Station! This will be happening on Oct. 29-30-31, 6-10pm. All are welcome, children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult. Admission is free, but non-perishable food donations will be collected to support local pantries.
The Nantucket Boys & Girls Club is hosting their Annual Community Halloween Party! It is on Friday, Oct. 28th, 5pm. There will be games & prizes, a haunted house and costumes are encouraged. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Dreamland Theater is having their annual Halloween Costume Contest Saturday October 29th 7-10pm, tickets available at nantucketdreamland.org, 18+ event.
We hope you’ll stop in and visit us at 21 Main Street and help us with all of the candy we have stocked up on (we’ll try not to eat it all by then). Happy Nantucket Halloween!
Looking for more fall activities on Nantucket? Read this blog for ALL the fun events!