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Small Friends on Nantucket


Charities & Non-Profits

Small Friends Nantucket

Courtesy of Small Friends

Small Friends on Nantucket

Small Friends serves the working families of Nantucket by providing a safe, professionally staffed, educationally rich early care environment. They are enrolled at capacity with 69 children who attend school five days a week, 51 weeks a year, from 7:45 AM to 5:15 PM. Their extended hours allow working parents to keep their jobs while knowing their children are in an early education facility with the highest standards.

The cost of living on our island is extraordinarily high and most working class and middle class families require two incomes to make ends meet. A study completed by the Nantucket Cottage Hospital in 2015 identified quality education and care for our children as one of our greatest needs as a community. Almost all Small Friends families consist of two working parents or are single parent households where this parent must work. They recently determined 20% of their families qualify for the Women, Infants, and Children program (WIC) which serves to safeguard the health of low income pregnant, postpartum, and breastfeeding women, infants, and children up to age 5 who are at nutritional risk.

In addition to the economic necessity of their extended program, current research is repeatedly proving that expanded learning time is an effective and critical tool in helping children succeed as they move through the education system and beyond. The National Center on Time and Learning is showing a tremendous impact of the extended day on the lives of students of all ages. All evidence points to the fact that spending these additional hours in school is better for our children than spending it in front of a “screen.”

It is the goal of Small Friends to continue to provide high quality care and education to the youngest members of our island community while keeping tuition affordable.

Contact Small Friends

21 Nobadeer Farm Road


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