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John Lochtefeld: AAN Featured Artist


ACK Artists

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We are thrilled to collaborate with the Artists Association of Nantucket this year to feature their talented artist members. The AAN is a non-profit organization supporting Nantucket artists, providing educational programs in the arts, and preserving the legacy of Nantucket artists. Visit their website, their gallery at 19 Washington Street, their studio at 24 Amelia Drive, or give them a call at (508) 228-0294.

For the month of October we are pleased to feature John Lochtefeld 

John Lochtefeld

John was born on April 11, 1933 and raised in West Virginia until age nine, when his family moved to New Jersey.

As an undergraduate at Notre Dame University, John worked a pair of summers for a painter named Umberto Romano in East Gloucester, Massachusetts. In Romano’s gallery he met and soon dated his wife, Judy. He was drafted into the Army. After several months of base life, he received a posting to the Hawaiian Islands and they married. He served night shifts, and during daylight hours enrolled in art classes at the University where he was mentored by Jean Charlot. John then taught as an associate professor at Marymount College in Tarrytown, New York.

The Lochtefelds, grown to a clan with five children, discovered the joys of Nantucket in 1969. He knew he’d found an art colony locale that could supplement his professor’s salary at Marymount. At first they rented along Still Dock, across from the rear doors of AAN and the Kenneth Taylor Galleries. Seeking room to expand, they purchased 4 Fair Street and moved there in 1974. They opened a summer studio and gallery that included a framing business.  John readily admits the influence of Symbolist Paul Klee and Marc Chagall. Speaking about his art, he explains “I guess this also relates to storytelling. I’m embroidering my yarn or tale this way.

John joined AAN in 1969 and he thinks he may be the oldest active exhibiting member as well as being a member of their Board of Directors Emeritus.

This year, he will be honored at AAN’s Wet Paint Weekend, October 7-9th. Learn more on AAN’s website about the festive weekend events.

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