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The Fastest Way to Get on Island Time


Nantucket Activities

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The Fastest Way to Get on Island Time

Courtesy of Lavender Farm Wellness, Nantucket’s Functional Medicine Wellness Center

Step #1 Get to Nantucket — whether by plane, boat, or swimming (it’s been done before, believe it or not).

Step #2 Get off the beaten path so you can abide with nature. It’s easy to think that a little time in nature is the same as being alone. But, actually Nantucket is brimming with life so some quiet time is actually immersing yourself with the island…

Step #3 As you feel the natural world, appreciate that given the right conditions your body always wants to heal itself. Allow your sense of self to extend just a little (or a lot) beyond your physical body and relax into the world around you. The oneness of life is something to be felt and experienced by accepting ourselves and the world around us.

Lavender Farm Wellness is a year-round wellness center that helps people discover and maintain their healthy lifestyle by giving access to Nantucket’s wellness community through their “Open Table” like app for services like massage and reflexology, to reiki energy healing and functional medicine, and more… Visit their website or call their front desk at 508-332-3382.