Habitat for Humanity Nantucket
Habitat for Humanity is a global nonprofit housing organization working in local communities across all 50 states in the U.S. and in approximately 70 countries.
Nantucket’s Habitat for Humanity seeks to make decent, affordable shelter a matter of conscience and action for all people. It works to provide the opportunity of affordable homeownership to families living in situations of critical housing need. Last month, Fisher Team members, Lara and Brent, spent a day with other volunteers banging nails to help some fortunate Islanders achieve their dream of homeownership.
Apply for a Habitat for Humanity Home
Individuals or Families are Selected Based on the Following:
1. Level of need.
2. Willingness to participate in the process, accept responsibility and be advocates for Habitat and its mission on nantucket.
3. Ability to escrow homeowner’s insurance estimated cost in advance of the close and cover other closing costs at the close.
4. Ability to make timely mortgage and escrow payments.
Volunteer for Habitat for Humanity Nantucket
Perhaps you have tiled a floor, hung a door, installed trim or put up a wall, or painted, or have always wanted to learn how. Whether you’re an experienced tradesman or a complete novice, you can help to fulfill a dream for a deserving family. Their on-site supervisor can identify a project best suited to your talents and interests. And you will meet some new friends along the way!
News from Habitat for Humanity Nantucket
February 2022
“Habitat Nantucket announced the winners of three affordable homes being developed by Habitat on Benjamin Drive in Miacomet Village. The three families were selected in a lottery held on Wednesday, February 2, 2022. The lucky winners were drawn from a pool of 27 qualified applicants for the properties. These 27 qualified families were screened out of 66 applications received by Habitat during the September 15 to November 17, 2021 marketing period.
The lucky winners are Dennis and Shannon Reid, Forrest Bell and Elizah Tripp. The buildings are currently being manufactured off-island and should be delivered in May. The selected families are required to contribute 350 hours of “sweat equity” working on their homes. Fit-out and finish work should take 4-6 months and the new homeowners will move in October-November.”
Contact Habitat for Humanity