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Fisher Joins the Nantucket Litter Derby


Around The Office

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Fisher is so excited to take part in the Annual Nantucket Litter Derby. Litter pick-up is Saturday, April 1st and Sunday, April 2nd, 2023.

The event’s mission is to remove litter from Nantucket’s roads, beaches and open lands, to raise awareness about our fragile ecosystems, and to have a ton of fun while we do it!

nantucket litter derby
Nantucket Litter Derby Volunteers


In just three years of events, the Nantucket Litter Derby teams have removed a staggering 28 tons of litter from Nantucket’s beaches, open lands, and roadsides. Additionally, the litter collected by their teams has helped to inform our community regarding current and future environmental litter mitigation efforts. Since the event’s inception, they have had over 102 teams of 600 students, church members, friends and family participate in the competition. They have raised over $8,000 in cash and donations with $3,500 of those funds raised going directly back into the community in the form of charitable donations.

Roisin from Team Fisher picking up trash for the Nantucket Litter Derby

Nantucket Litter Derby Contact Info
Instagram: @nantucketlitterderby