At the end of Milestone road lies a rose covered paradise- with its own zip code! Grab a sandwich from Claudette’s to enjoy on their sunny porch. Then find the granite post marked “Public Way” and stroll Nantucket’s fabled bluff walk. Marvel at the ocean to your right and wave hello to homeowners as you cross right through their backyards! As you wander back along ’Sconset’s quiet streets, you’ll stroll past tiny cottages complete with clever names and intricate rose trellises. Before you return to the hustle and bustle of town, take a moment to grab a drink and relax on the beautiful beaches by the Summer House. Or enjoy an ice cream cone on a bench outside the ’Sconset Market! What ever it is you end up doing in “02564,” you are sure to make memories that will last a lifetime.
Learn more about ’Sconset and find Fisher Rentals
Born and raised on Nantucket, Lisa is incredibly excited to be back on the island as she prepares for her senior year at Dartmouth College. She feels most at home on the water and has an immense appreciation for the beauty and entertainment it provides. During the school year you may catch her taking a break from her economics studies to sail New Hampshire’s lakes. When she’s not assisting with marketing at Fisher, you can find her working on a new ceramic piece.