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Fly Direct to ACK With These Nantucket Flights


Nantucket Travel

fly direct to nantucket 2

Photo by Nantucket Memorial Airport

Fly direct to Nantucket Memorial Airport (ACK) in 2022 from these towns and cities across the northeast and beyond! We are delighted to see major and regional airlines expand their services to include Nantucket as the final destination. New trips begin for the season from May to July.

This year, Southern Airways has added several new flights from Hyannis to Nantucket, with 4x daily service beginning June 16th. Southern Airways will suspend their direct service to New Bedford on June 15th.

JetBlue will launch two new routes that will connect Massachusetts to New York City and Canada. Starting in spring 2023, the airline plans to introduce nonstop service between Hyannis and LaGuardia Airport once a day during the summer season. There will also be a daily flight between Hyannis and Vancouver, Canada during the summer months as well. 

Here is a helpful chart with new schedules for regularly scheduled Nantucket flights. *Please note there are many charter airlines that are not included in this list including Fisher Real Estate Partner, Tradewind Aviation.

nantucket direct flights

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Photo by Nantucket Memorial Airport.

Born in Boston and raised in Santa Barbara, California, Emma has spent every summer on Nantucket since childhood. Emma currently attends Boston College where she studies Finance and Marketing in the Carroll School of Management. She hopes to pursue a career in marketing post-grad. Emma loves to travel, but finds the most joy in appreciating what Nantucket has to offer. When she isn’t assisting with Fisher’s marketing, Emma can be found at the beach!

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