People are drawn to Nantucket because of its natural beauty. People stay on Nantucket because of its people. We are a community that supports one another and values personal connection, united in our love for this island thirty miles out to sea. In these uncertain times, when social isolation has been and will be our guiding light for weeks to come, it’s been amazing to see the various ways our community self-isolates. People are enjoying long, family strolls through conservation land, going fishing in March, doing workouts in their living rooms courtesy of local instructors, and enjoying solo yoga on unspoiled beaches. Here, we are not trapped in our homes. We are spending time enjoying the beautiful outdoors while still distancing ourselves from our neighbors. We can still be active and, best yet, spend precious time with the ones we love.
In the spirit of this idea, we wanted to give you a few ideas to inspire a sense of adventure over the next few weeks so that we can all connect further to the Island we love!
– Go find a Snowy Owl! You can usually find these special birds in the dunes of Tom Nevers, at Great Point or at Smiths Point. Take an adventure and see if you can spot this elusive bird. It’s like a game of Where’s Waldo!

– Speaking of birds, there are a few Bald Eagles on Island (if you trust the rumor mill). They are around Hummock Pond in the Osprey nests. Get outside and keep your eyes open. Bonus points if you can snap a photo!
– Explore Squam Swamp. The natural beauty here includes hardwood forests, freshwater bogs, shrub swamps, grassy meadows, and vernal pools. This is one of the coolest areas of the island that rarely gets explored.

– Explore any of the Conservation Foundation properties that you have never seen before. It’s amazing how much of our Island still exists in its natural state and it’s even more amazing how unexplored it is!
– Or explore the Land Bank properties: Here’s a trusty map
– Get lost in the Historic section of town. Very rarely do people just wander down Orange Street, Fair Street or Pine Street. There is a maze of historic properties that puts you back in time and with details that are just waiting to be discovered.
– Jump in the Ocean. I know, it sounds nuts this time of year. But it is really exhilarating! Be safe though, and go on the North Shore where the waters are calmer.

– Play board games, read a book or tell your own stories. I’m sure everyone will be watching some TV, but try going “old school” in the extra time you spend at home.
– Go Pond Fishing. With our recent string of weather, fishing has been really good.