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Tall Ship Lynx & the Egan Maritime Institute


Charities & Non-Profits

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Each year, Egan Maritime Institute partners with the Tall Ship Lynx to provide on-the-water educational opportunities to Island youth via Sea of Opportunities.

While Egan Maritime partners with Tall Ship Lynx each year to bring on-the-water experiences to Nantucket students and public programs during the summer season to island visitors and residents., the Tall Ship Lynx is its own business and operates its sails throughout the summer. Contact the LYNX at 978-479-2197

Sea of Opportunities is a diverse offering of education and outreach programs available to every Nantucket student at multiple points throughout their career. It seeds the maritime workforce of tomorrow and opens doors for local youth to opportunities that will enhance their futures and our coastal community. Our programs include everything from fishing trips to hands-on research with the Island’s Natural Resources department to history lessons at the Shipwreck and Lifesaving Museum and sails aboard the Historic Tall Ship Lynx!

Sailing aboard the Tall Ship Lynx is a cornerstone of the Sea of Opportunities experience. Through our partnership we offer day sails to over 500 local students of all ages, three day expeditions to 8th grade students, and five-day expeditions to high school students.

The extended trips are a genuinely once-in-a-lifetime experience for Nantucket students. They learn to heave lines, navigate the waters, and cook for the crew; upon their return they all earn the title of Student Mariner. In addition, Student Mariners are offered future educational and career opportunities; each trip includes a visit to Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute, Mass Maritime, or UMASS Dartmouth’s School for Marine Science and Technology.

Egan Maritime and the Tall Ship Lynx continue to partner throughout the summer season as well. During the summer, EMI offers numerous sailing opportunities. Join them on the Lynx for sunset sails, concerts on the water, and the popular Nanpuppets family cruise.

A Sunset Sail, Katie Kaizer Photography
Concerts on the Water, Katie Kaizer Photography

Plus, this year they are offering a new program designed for the Student Mariner in your life. Children ages 12 – 14 are able to become a Student Mariner for a day and join the crew as they explore Nantucket’s water. To sign up, visit or call 508-228-2505.

The Tall Ship Lynx is its own business and operates its sails throughout the summer. Contact the LYNX at 978-479-2197 if you are interested in taking a sail with them.