We are thrilled to collaborate with the Artists Association of Nantucket this year to feature their talented artist members. The AAN is a non-profit organization supporting Nantucket artists, providing educational programs in the arts, and preserving the legacy of Nantucket artists. Visit their website, their gallery at 19 Washington Street, their studio at 24 Amelia Drive, or give them a call at (508) 228-0294.
David Sharpe Biography
David Sharpe has been drawing all things Nantucket since he first arrived as a summer visitor in 1973. Coming back summer after summer, David added to his illustrative repertoire of the Grey Lady finally washing ashore in late 1997. With a keen eye for detail, A Sharpe Artist has drawn various Nantucket images including the iconic lighthouses, ships, beaches, birds and other unique, scenic locations on this elbow of sand. In recent years as an unexpected homage to his famous portrait artist mother Marion, David has been also doing house portraits. These visuals of houses make a great housewarming gift for those just moving into their new home or can be a reminder of “Home Sweet Home.”
David’s favorite media are pen and ink, colored pencil and recently, the bright and bold imagery that can be created on an iPad. There is a texture, vibrancy and a love of the island in each whimsical illustration. His sidekick in many of these drawings is Chuck the Seagull. Chuck often shows up in David’s Instagram account @ACKfoghorn. You can find the seagull online at ACKartgallery.com. This online art portfolio is also home to A Sharpe Artist’s maps, lighthouses, house portraits and other Nantucket illustrative adventures. There is even a gift shop to buy originals and reproductive prints, posters and notecards.
David is represented by the Artists Association of Nantucket and shows his work at AAN’s galleries.
Where to Find More of David’s Work
If you can’t meet David in person at either event, send him an e-mail at, asharpeartist@comcast.net or call him at 508-221-0743. You can also keep up with the artist on a weekly basis by signing up for his e-mail newsletter at www.ackartgallery.com/ackfoghorn.
“It’s art with an ACK-centric point of view!”