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The Pleasures of Living on Aurora Way, Nantucket


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The pleasures of living on Aurora Way, Nantucket.

I’ve been very fortunate in that I have a home on Aurora Way, and LOVE living there.  I wanted to convey some of the things I find as benefits and share my experiences because it’s the little things that make a house a home.

Aurora Way, Nantucket

We all are looking to achieve lifestyle and if this sounds just about right to you check out – 12 Aurora Way 

The top 8 things I Love about living on Aurora Way, Nantucket.

Hummock Pond Road Bike Path!!! About 1 mile to Town and 2 to the beach. My son is learning to ride his bike here.

Aurora Way, Nantucket

Boat Yard Farm just 1 mile up the street towards Cisco beach. Year round I can run up there almost anytime of day and collect fresh eggs from the Chickens if the farm is there great, if not I leave $5 and pick my own.

An amazing group of neighbors. Two of us live on Aurora Way year round while the other homes are used as second homes full of friends and people who enjoy knowing one another and have similar interest in caring for their property, neighbors and community.Aurora Way, Nantucket

Cisco/Schindy’s Beach in my opinion some of the most fun beaches on island, great surf, good sand and 7 months a year a perfect view of the sun setting into the ocean, and the largest striped bass I’ve ever caught from shore 48.5 inches

Cisco Brewery, there are so many things to say here. When parking was an issue at the brewery I become accustom to walking, and it only take 10 to 12 minutes, that’s hard to beat.

Aurora Way, Nantucket

Like Seafood and Fresh Veggies for dinner? Me too – 167 Hummock Seafood market and Bartlett Farm are only minutes away and makes it really easy.

NO Traffic in and out of Town! Hummock Pond Road to Milk Street leads straight to Top of Main, I can get in and out of Town and avoid all the heavy traffic intersections on island, from my house to my office in a car, by bike or on foot its only ever minutes away.

Rising values! I love knowing my investment is only growing as areas along Hummock Pond Rd are going through redevelopment and values are climbing.


Brian Sullivan