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Late April Nantucket Fishing Report


Fishing Report

nantucket fishing report - bill fisher outfitters
Hello Fishermen and Friends!
We can’t believe that its actually starting to feel like a Nantucket Spring. Consistent 50 degree days with winds shifting to the south. Our water temps have come up 5 degrees in 10 days! We are sitting at 47 degrees in the sound now. Another sure fire indication of spring and fish on the horizon are peepers. Their deep echo’s always coincide with the striper migration. In recent nights, the peepers have been keeping us up! Lastly, breathe in the salt air at night and it smells a little fishy, now is when I probably lose you, but if you live close to the south shore you know what I mean. These south winds are pushing some of the ocean smells on shore and there are herring to the south. We are seeing them in the creeks (a little).  
All of this adds up to Bass must be close!?!? Well, one was caught on the Vineyard this week and we think someone will catch one on Nantucket this weekend. We are due! And this is one of the latest starts I can remember, but this just makes sense after this winter.
Many of you follow the On The Water striper migration. It would appear that fish are far away, but we disagree. We have a different population of fish than what that map is showing. Most of those fish are following the coast. It’s our theory, that most of our population of fish, for the most part, are coming from offshore waters. They are following relatively warm offshore water and offshore bait. These fish push inshore with warming conditions and south wind. Thats why we usually get cookie cutter schools early in the season that show up or 3-4 days then push through. We’ll see several waves of fish before we see the large biomass of fish push through.
Someone’s going to catch a fish on Nantucket this weekend! We can’t wait to hear who it is!! Go wet a line!
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