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New Listing – 51 Hooper Farm Rd Nantucket


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51 hooper farm rd nantucket

Are you interested in renting, renovating and/or expanding in the Mid-Island area?

51 Hooper Farm Rd Nantucket offers two existing structures on a spacious lot. There is great flexibility for the end-user. You can also turn 51 Hooper Farm Rd into a great employee housing solution. The total allowable ground cover is more than 4,000 square feet and there is about 1,500 square feet existing. The zoning does allow for a tertiary structure. 

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51 Hooper Farm Rd Nantucket

51 hooper farm rd nantucket 51 hooper farm rd nantucket

Find out more about 51 Hooper Farm Rd Nantucket

Jen Shalley Allen

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